Monday, March 12, 2012

Wazzub, "User Revolution"

In 2007, a person thinks: "We, the users make them earn billions and we do not get a penny-even. It was very disgusting ". Thus was born WAZZUB. Wazzub is a search engine such as Google, which will give you money for referring people to join become members. You will get $ 1/month, LIFETIME, for every user who joins Wazzub using your referral link. And you also get a $ 1/month, LIFETIME, every time someone joins your group (for example: you will get $ 1 if a friend you invite someone to join, but you will also get $ 1 if a friend of your friend to invite someone to join as well, etc ...).

You can try out their calculators to see how it can be a breeze to get $ 4000/month without any effort. You just need to invite

5 people to do the same thing in 5 levels. This can be done quickly and easily just by telling your friends ² and by posting on the forums on the Internet as I do now. $ 4000 / month, LIFETIME, just to tell your friends to join a website. Sounds incredible, is not it? And it's true.

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