Invested is one of the methods how we receive the extra income. A case that struck Mark Barton, an investor in Wall Street that shot his head personally, after beforehand shot his opponent played in investing and afterwards his two children. This matter was caused Barton's money really was all gone in a day trading, in fact still left the debt. Why this could happend?? . Barton entrusted all of his income to invest,include invested money for the everyday life. Here the first mistake that often was carried out by the investors. They did not use money that was special to invest, but the cost of living.
If you have had the adequate income, afterwards remained the income surplus after being used satisfied the requirement for the life and matters that the emergency, you could begin investment in the stock exchange. What the choice of investment that could increase the income? There are some investment choice we could choose:
1. Term Deposit savings,
2. Closed the policy of the insurance,
3. Bought foreign currency,
4. Established new business efforts,
5. Bought gold or other jewellery,
6. Bought the house or the land (property),
7. Bought the valuable letter in the money market,
8. Bought the valuable letter in the money market, etc.
Before you took the decision to choose some instrument of investment, the important matter that must be considered before was factors that affected the investment field that will be chosen:
1. Your age,
You must consider and count carefully on how many of your ages
2. The risk,
There were three types of the investor faced the risk, that are:
a. the investor liked the risk (risk seeker;
b. the investor not liked the risk (risk averter);
c. and the investor who did not care about the risk(risk indifferent.
If you brave took risk, could choose investment in shares that were growing.If you were the type did not like the risk, could choose instrument investment that have an income continue, like the debenture, or that was managed professionally.
3. The tax,
As the good citizen, you must fulfil the obligation to pay the tax
4. The liquidity or the Security ?
The Liquidity or the smoothness was the level of the ease in diluting capital of your investment. When you needed cash straightaway, did the choice of your investment be easy or be difficult to be diluted ? When you emphasised the liquidity, better choose share investment. On the other hand, if you emphasised the security, could choose debenture investment or the share preferen that gave the distribution expertise of the fixed dividend
5. The Internasional economic situation
In the global era at this time, the element of the international dependence was very big. Almost did not have the international limit, moreover with the progress of technology and so horrifying information. For example the change in the policy of economics of a Country of could give the positive impact or the negative against the other country. Information that was available from a newspaper and the necessary magazine in the analysis, approximately whether his influence to your investment. For example, the condition for international economics was tired, this will have a negative impact on the export and the import. Because of that avoided invested in the share of the company that had the connection was close to this international trade.
6. National Economic Situation
National Economic Situation had the big influence against your efforts field. Followed thoroughly the change in regulations, the regulation and the policy of the government, because of this matter will be useful in determining your investment strategy.
7. The Industrial Situation
The situation of industry was very influential against investment you invested. Was this industrial field developing, was approaching saturation point or received the social pressure. Shares of cigarettes for example, clear always received the social pressure from the community. Together with the awareness of the community about the importance of the health, increasingly the day would increasingly decreased the person that smoked. Clear this will affect the profit emiten the cigarettes company.
8. Science and Technology
Science and technology was holy main to humankind that had not stopped thinking about look for and finding something. Pay attention to Personal Computer (PC) in your table, that will become old in the period six months, because has the discovery microchip that was new. Give the interest and attention in the development sain and technology because this will be very beneficial for the strategy and your investment planning. Emiten that was involved in IT for example, promised the big production in the future, if technological innovations succeeded in being developed. Because of that shares of the IT company deserved to be made one of the choices portfolio.
9. The Cycle and Trend
There is a belief, that each efforts activity, moreover all the human life-forms worked in the cycle. Each incident in the past generally is repeated again in the different scale. The researchers named this as the technical analysis and the cycle. The aim of this analysis of being to forecast or help showed the future trend